Empowering Agripreneurs: Highlights from the Agri Youth Forum and Expo in Siaya County

We had an incredible time at the Agri Youth Forum and Expo in Siaya County, where we gathered to inspire and empower the youth in agriculture. In this photo, our Market Lead, Gladys Agumba, is explaining the innovative features of the agriBORA platform to the esteemed guest, CECM Agriculture, Irrigation, Food, Livestock and Fisheries, K'Okoth Sylvestre. The event was a dynamic platform for networking, knowledge-sharing, and showcasing the transformative potential of agriculture. Together, we explored the endless possibilities of leveraging technology, entrepreneurship, and sustainable practices to drive agricultural growth. We're passionate about equipping young agripreneurs with the tools and resources they need to succeed. With agriBORA, we offer a cutting-edge platform that connects farmers, markets, and financial opportunities, revolutionizing the way agriculture operates. A special thank you to CECM K'Okoth Sylvestre for gracing us with your presence and supporting the aspirations of the youth in Siaya County. Stay tuned as we continue to champion the agripreneurial spirit, driving innovation, and fostering a thriving agricultural ecosystem for a sustainable future!

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